
How to choose your swimming cap?

Comment choisir son bonnet de natation ?

Swimming: which swimming cap to choose?

For the regular swimming practice, some accessories are indispensable. This is the case of the swimming cap, which is a useful product both for the swimmer, but also for the pool water cleanliness. For choose your swimming cap, its material and size should be taken into account for optimal use. Nothing prevents you from opting for an aesthetic swimming cap that perfectly matches your other accessories.

Why wear a swimming cap?

In many swimming pools, Wearing a swimming cap is mandatory. Although often perceived as a constraint, the use of such a swimming product is nevertheless beneficial in many respects. The main interest is to keep pool water clean. Without a bathing cap, the hair lost during swimming comes to deposit in the filtration systems, to the point of clogging them. And admit that it is not very pleasant to see someone else's hair floating in the water while swimming in a swimming pool.

Wearing a swimming cap is also useful for swimmers. This sports accessory protects your hair from chlorine, which can weaken them and dry them out. In addition, once stored under your bathing cap, your hair will no longer bother you during your sports sessions in the pool.

Choose your swimming cap according to the material

It exists different models of swimming caps. Whether for children, men or women, there are 5 swimming cap materials.

  • The latex: the latex swimming cap is not widespread, because it is very fragile. These models of swimming caps tear easily and are difficult to put on.
  • The mesh: used by beginner swimmers, the mesh swimming cap is very not very waterproof, and does not sit well on the head.
  • Silicone: the silicone swimming cap offers very good support, and good sealing. Recommended for experienced swimmers, it is hydrodynamic and lets very little water through, but it is not easy to put on.
  • The mix of mesh and silicone: more waterproof than a fabric swimming cap, and easier to put on than a silicone swimming cap, models made of both mesh and silicone are a good compromise, even if they do not always hold very well on the head.
  • Neoprene: these models of swimming caps keep the head warm thanks to the thermal properties of neoprene. These swimming caps are particularly recommended for swimming in white water.

Choose the size of your swimming cap

The size of the swimming cap is very important because it is the guarantee of good support and good sealing at the water. Many brands of swimming caps categorize the size of their products according to the age of the person, so there is a children's size, an adult size, and a size "long hair" for every woman or man who wants to easily slide their long hair under the bathing cap.

There are also bathing caps whose size is estimated according to the circumference of the head. The swimming cap can thus be in size S, M, L, or even more. A turn of the head 54 cm (S) will be more for children, 56 cm (M) for the woman, and L (over 56cm) will be for the man, or the woman with long hair.

Chlorine's moisturizing bathing cap

Do you imagine that enclosing your hair in a bathing cap could damage it? Chlore has developed an innovative technology making it possible to provide moisturizing treatment for your hair while swimming. Made of neoprene, this moisturizing swim cap ensures the thermal and acoustic comfort thanks to its sound and water insulating properties. But this is not its only asset! The interior of the moisturizing swimming cap is made of micro-capsules filled with a lab-tested formula that nourishes, protects and hydrates your hair throughout your sports session in the pool.

You can enjoy the benefits of hair care for 30 sessions swimming and then keep this perfectly waterproof and very aesthetic swimming cap.

You now know the criteria to consider when choosing a swimming cap. Do not hesitate to opt for a trendy accessory, with a pretty color, matching your glasses and your swimsuit. Little tip: after each use, rinse your bathing cap with clean water, and let it air dry to protect it from the attack of chlorine.


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