There are only 2 left swimming pools exterior Art Deco in France : The Molitor swimming pool, and our favorite swimming pool where we love to swim: the swimming pool Bruay. It is to pay homage to him that we have named one of our emblematic one-pieces after him.
The Bruay swimming pool is one of the most beautiful achievements of the style Art Deco Liner. It was ordered after the world War 1 by the socialist mayor of Bruay, with the aim of improving the living environment of workers and free them from the paternalistic grip of the mining company.
L'architect Paul Hanote has chosen for this swimming pool, the Liner Style. It is remarkable for these vanishing lines, the alignment of the cabins and the tubular guardrails reminiscent of the railings of ships.
Bruay has remained a popular pool, and for less than 5€ you can have an incredible experience: swimming in a monument historical.
Most ? Water at 28°C, the ideal temperature for summer. All times and fares are just here.